Tyvek® 3/4" x 10" Race Track Multicoloured pattern wristbands

Pricing: $32.50 per 100 ,$162.50 per 500

A riddle for you- Who earns a living driving their customers away? Answer: A taxi driver! Ok ok enough of that, the good news for you is that the bad riddles are over and you won't be driving your customers away with this cool full colour 3/4" Tyvek® race track patterned wristband. Ideal for race tracks, car shows, and race events. Car enthusiasts are sure to cheer after receiving this great wristband featuring a starting line up of race cars that fill the length of the band.

A Tyvek® 3/4" X 10" Race Track Checker Multicoloured wristband
5 to 10 days
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